George Clooney says you shouldn't listen to those disgruntled waitresses; Courtney Cox isn't listening to the Brad Pitt haters and David Hasselhoff doesn't want anyone listening to his daughter and ex-wife.

  • David Hasselhoff now says it was not at all a serious thing when he registered a staggering .39 blood alcohol level the other night and was rushed to the hospital after his daughter called his ex-wife in a panic. In fact, his people say, his ex is just a terrible person for taking him to the emergency room. If people would just stop worrying about the TV star's poisonous blood, everything would be fine.
  • Rihanna will not stage a big comeback concert in Dubai this month as originally planned. The timing is bad, she says. [Sun]
  • Courtney Cox full-on talked to Brad Pitt all night with her husband even though she claims to be Jennifer Aniston's friend. She even smiled. And not even to get his guard down so she could stab him — sincerely. The whole scandalous, back-stabby incident was witnessed in incredulous italics. [P6]
  • George Clooney says his bro so did not do that thing in that bar to those waitresses, they don't know what they're talking about and are just stirring up drama, probably to have the frat closed or something. He'll even take a lie detector test, no joke. [Us]
  • Eminem told Vibe he used to take 10-20 Vicodin a day, and then he'd make his way to the Valium and Ambien. [Hollyscoop]