Which TV Actor Cheats With a Cokey Teen?

Today in thinly-veiled takedowns of attractive people: an actor sexing a coke-buying teen, three reality show women whose golden days are over, and a superstar with a normal girlfriend (HEH).
1) "This up an coming B- list television actor is on a very hit ensemble show. He hasn't really done much except for the show, but because of his high name recognition and the show's popularity I am giving him a B-. Anyway, he and this teenager starting dating and it was fairly public until he started dating his C+ co-star. She is C because her name recognition isn't as big. Anyway, our actor has continued to date the teenager and his co-star as well as others. When our actor was out of the country doing press, his co-star found out about the teenager and has vowed revenge. As an added twist, the teenager has been our actor's drug purchaser so that he is never caught actually buying his nose candy." [CDaN]
2) "Here's the inside scoop on three women with floundering careers. Actually, the word "career" when used in connection with any of the three is debatable, because none of them has a job that requires anything remotely resembling skills. If you ask them, they like to say they are an "actress", "model", "entertainer", "fashion designer" or "singer", but the truth is, none of them have any hope of a long-term plan.
Girl 1 thought her reality show gig would propel her to higher heights, but she has completely bombed when trying to explore any opportunities beyond the reality genre. Her acting skills were described by one director as "appalingly bad". Expect her to return to reality as if it was a purposeful choice. Girl 2 once had a job, but dropped her career to become the accessory of a former reality star. Her last movie bombed and she has since flunked every audition for anything resembling a real gig. Now that her relationship is over (yes, it is), and she is running out of money, she may have nowhere to go but reality TV. Girl 3 also made her bones as a reality star, but has dabbled in absolutely everything. Thankfully, we'll be seeing less of her in the US as she spends more time overseas, where she can still command appearance fees that are a mere 25% of what she once earned." [BlindGossip]
3) "What superstar has a seriously annoying girlfriend? She bugs her dude with constant diva-like demands ... even during his golf games!" [NYDN]