What a fight! In one corner, Rhodes scholar Rachel Maddow, the liberal lesbian MSNBC commentator. In the other, arch libertarian chess master Peter Thiel, the gay Facebook investor. Best of all, they've squared off before.

Both Maddow and Thiel went to Stanford. They overlapped for a couple of years in the early '90s. Thiel, who had already gotten his undergraduate degree and was enrolled in law school, had started the Stanford Review, a conservative newspaper, to campaign against the college's move away from a curriculum which favored the great works of Western literature. Maddow was a progressive activist stomping around in combat boots and a shaved head. We hear that Thiel and Maddow had some kind of noisy on-campus altercation. Through a spokeswoman, Maddow says she doesn't remember a run-in with Thiel. Any Stanford grads care to enlighten us on what the two had to say to each other?

Thiel, who has suggested America would be better off if women had never gotten the vote, now calls his views on women's suffrage a "commonplace statistical observation." We think these two school chums are overdue for a reunion. They both now live in Manhattan. Isn't it time Thiel pops over to the studio for an interview on the Rachel Maddow Show? There's so much for them to catch up on!

(Maddow photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images; Thiel by davidorban)