Which Famous Actor Has the Biggest Shoe Lifts of All?

Today in tawdry: A stank film director, a famous actor with huge lifts in his shoes, and a nice actress who loves kittens and babies. Outrageous!
1) "Which film director could give Robert Pattinson a run for his money in the odor department? The big-time movie man smelled so badly during a recent shoot that even his actors couldn't stand to be around him!" [NYDN]
2) "This famous film actor almost always flies on his private jet, but there was an occasion recently where he needed to take a public flight. While he was not forced to stand in the security line with the unwashed masses, he did have to go through a special security check with a few other celebrities.
Our actor reluctantly removed his shoes and put them in a plastic bin. The security guard ran his shoes through the x-ray machine, hesitated, and then called over another guard. The two guards then proceeded to inspect the shoes up close for what seemed like an endless period of time. One guard handed back the shoes with an apology. "Sorry that took so long. I've just never seen ones that big before." Our actor turned red, put on his shoes and proceeded to the plane. The next celeb on line asked the guard what size the shoes were. The guard replied "Oh, it wasn't the size of the shoes. I've just never seen lifts that big before." [BlindGossip]
3) "This C list actress/writer/producer on a very hit television comedy had noticed all of these photos of a missing cat on telephone poles and in windows. She didn't really think much about it, but a day or two after she first saw the pictures, she met a little girl who was standing with her mom on the corner and they were putting up more pictures. So, our actress to be kind asked about the cat, and found it that it had been the girl's cat and that she had literally had it from almost the day she was born and she was now 8. The mother and daughter recognized our actress and they took some photos with a cell phone camera and our actress signed an autograph on one of the cat posters. The cat had managed to get outside when the front door had been left open by the cable guy.
Anyway, about a week goes by and our actress called the family to see if they had found the cat and they had not and had given up hope. The next day, our actress stopped by their house along with two other members of the show and dropped off a brand new kitten to the little girl." [CDaN]