Socialist tax-and-spender Barack Obama wanted to cut $17 billion worth of important, life-saving government programs, but some congressmembers are finally standing up to him.

These government-starving cuts represent almost .5% of next year's budget, and Democrats in Congress are hopping mad that Obama wants to destroy their beloved private lending companies, subsidized corn-growers, and useless, unneeded helicopters.

And Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.) vowed to force the White House to accept delivery of a new presidential helicopter Obama says he doesn't need and doesn't want. The helicopter program, which cost $835 million this year, supports 800 jobs in Hinchey's district. "I do think there's a good chance we can save it," he said.

Of course Hinchey is right—the president desperately needs a new helicopter, as the current one is totally vulnerable to attacks from New York city detectives way in over their heads and Wolverine.

Keep fighting the good fight, Hinchey! We'll ride that helicopter to the promised land, or we'll just buzz Ground Zero for a while for kicks maybe.