Mia Farrow Quits Darfur Fast, Gets Weak Sauce Milkshake Drunk

Mia Farrow's 15 day Blueprint Cleanse hunger strike for Darfur ended yesterday when her cornerman/doctor decided the Rosemary's Baby actress couldn't hack it anymore.
Farrow's been blogging the last 12 days of Being Hungry For People Exponentially Hungrier Than Her. She finally threw in the towel - or ate it - on the David Blaine-trained strike when she was told she couldn't do it anymore without, um, dying:
"I have been instructed by my doctor to stop my fast immediately due to health concerns-including possible seizures. I am fortunate. The women, children, and men I am fasting for do not have that option."
Farrow enough. Stepping in to take her place? A ringer! Sir Richard "Rock" Branson. Sez Branson: "I'm honoured to be taking over the fast for the next three days from Mia Farrow in her courageous stance to support the people of Darfur." Nice, but really? Maybe this is the easy party line, but doesn't the island-owning Branson have the coin to simply foot some of the bill in Darfur? Or to send a private security force in to help the situation? (Answer: Dar!...)
The best part about this - since the political upside on Celebrities Doing Things Inspired By David Blaine has yet to pay off in dividends - is that it's a multimedia presentation. Watch as Farrow remains stunningly "coherent" and "fine."
She's got the crazy eyes. Related: celebrities without food encouraging others to go without food is just a shitty idea all around.