The suicide last month of acting Freddie Mac chief financial officer David Kellerman apparently sparked an obstruction of justice investigation by the Troubled Asset Relief Program's special inspector general, Gawker has learned.

Kellerman was found dead in his home on April 22. Two days later, according to documents obtained by Gawker through a Freedom of Information Act request, the TARP inspector general opened an investigation into potential false statements and obstruction of justice charges against Freddie Mac relating to its contract to administer the TARP mortgage bailout program.

It's unclear from the heavily redacted documents precisely what the investigation was looking into or what it had to do with Kellerman, and the inquiry was discontinued without charges five days after it was opened. But according to a "Report of Discontinued Investigation" dated April 29, the inspector general was investigating whether or not Freddie Mac misled TARP officials in its effort to secure a February 2009 contract to administer the federal government's $50 billion Homeownership Preservation Program, which is funded by TARP.

The inspector general concluded that "there is no evidence to suggest that Freddie Mac concealed information or misrepresented any material facts to the government in order to receive the contract to oversee the Home Preservation Programs."

What does any of this mean? We don't know! Freddie Mac is basically a wholly owned subsidiary of the federal government. In February, the mortgage lender won a contract to act as the government's financial agent for the mortgage bailout program, wherein the government partners with mortgage companies to renegotiate troubled mortgages. For some reason, Kellerman's death raised suspicions about that deal. The "Complaint Form" that launched the investigation lists the "Complainant" as "N/A." In the end, nothing happened.

Though the documents suggest that the investigation was closed with no further action, some of the redacted portions contain information that the inspector general's office says was "originated by another federal agency" and that has been redacted because it "could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings."

Our call to the TARP inspector general's office for more information hasn't been returned.

Read all the documents here.