Today we have a Correspondents Dinner hook up, an actor who's embarrassed about being short, and a big couple that's breaking up their business arrangement.

1) "Which self-branded wanna-be celeb was caught doing the walk of shame at 11 a.m. - in her ball gown - after a recent gala in D.C.?" [NYDN]

2) "Today is nothing juicy or earth shaking but it cracks me up so thought I would share it. I almost didn't because there have been a lot of stories recently about actors and their lifts, but this one is too good to pass up because it's so funny. This C list actor on a very good day, and realistically a D who used to be a B was on one of the most popular television comedies of all time. Not necessarily by numbers, but it was not the fault of the show. Since the show went of the air he has done a little of this and a little of that. The other night he went over to a friend's house. This friend, like many people makes people remove their shoes when they enter the house. She told our actor that he needed to take off his shoes. He threw a fit right there in the doorway and complained for a good five minutes before finally taking off his shoes and dropping about four inches in height. The laughs in the place weren't that loud. Well, not loud enough for a neighbor to hear anyway. No one would have even noticed if he hadn't thrown the fit. But because he did everyone was staring at him." [CDaN]

3) "She has finally pulled the chip out of her head and is shedding her controlling hubby! And, boy, is he mad! Her attorneys are working on a "Dissolution of Contract," not a "Dissolution of Marriage" - yet. That's the next step. She will be asking for sole custody of the kid/s. She is not currently pregnant.

Her attorneys - especially one who worked with her predecessor - have been able to work around most of the restrictions in her original business agreement with her husband. She did not fulfill the terms of the contract that would maximize her payout, but she will receive a sizeable chunk of change to keep quiet about his personal life and his special relationship with another high-profile man.

You will still see them together, albeit much less frequently, and they will continue to be very civil towards each other. They will attend events and will travel as a family when one goes to work. They will both have smiles plastered on their faces, but you will know that hers is really just a smirk, and he is absolutely seething inside over having lost control of the situation.

In the past few weeks, she has left two events separately from her husband because she was so annoyed with his behavior. Each time, she met up with her ex for several hours. While she is spending time with her ex, we do not know if they are romantically involved again." [BlindGossip]