Who in the world would bid $13,000 for the right to be an unpaid Huffington Post intern? This lady from Brazil, we think:

Luisa Borges lives in Rio and has a Twitter account with the handle "luisacb." And "Luisacb" is currently the "lucky" high bidder on the Huffpo internship "opportunity."

And there's more evidence! Luisacb is also the current high bidder—$18,000—for another item from the very same charity auction: "You'll Be Saying "Ahhhhh" When You Vist the Set of House , Meet the Entire Cast and Take Home Hugh Laurie's Signed Iconic Cane."

Well we certainly would be saying 'Ahhhh' if we swallowed such an offer, eh? More evidence: Luisa Borges, on Twitter, loves House so much that she sends Tweets to the cast members! She's a superfan! Who else would pay $18K for Hugh Laurie's fucking cane? It all makes sense!

Except the HuffPo thing. That shit is just lunacy. Luisa, please email us and explain yourself at once.