Pinko Culture Overload: rocker Andrew Bird, This American Life, comic book artist Chris Ware. Apart, there's at least one you hate. Smashed together? A wonderful, 3.5 minute video concerning a mouse and a mousehead.

This American Life did some kind of live episode with a studio audience, like A Prarie Home Companion, but nobody's trying to get Ira Glass to sign their vintage tractor key fob. Notes the description:

A video put together by Chris Ware for our spring 2009 event "This American Life — Live!" — in which Ira Glass hosts an actual episode of the radio program, performed onstage by some of our favorite contributors. Dan Savage, Starlee Kine, and Mike Birbiglia told stories; David Rakoff and Dave Hill conducted a ‘special investigation. Plus, additional visuals by Arthur Jones, and a very special appearance by Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

I haven't actually listened to the episode, but it sounds pretty decent, right? Anyway. If you can't stomach any of the three you probably won't like this; if you dig at least one of the three, you probably will. Enjoy! [Via]

Quimby The Mouse from This American Life on Vimeo.