Trump Magazine Folds; American Dream Dies

Lord knows that the USA is in trouble, now that we're forced to make this sad announcement: Trump Magazine has folded. But...but Donald's so rich!
The inVocus media blog got confirmation from Niche Media that the magazine has "ceased." That sounds so final!
Trump Magazine was launched in late 2007 as a joint venture by the Trump brand and Ocean Drive Media Group (now Niche Media Holdings LLC), targeting affluent readers in major U.S. markets. The quarterly magazine saw early success, cashing in on the booming advertising market for yachts and other high-end commodities.
Oh, I think I see the problem: there are no more "affluent readers in major U.S. markets," nor is there a "booming advertising market" for anything, much less "yachts and other high-end commodities," and furthermore Donald Trump is a wispy-haired goon who may or may not have any money, it depends on how many good feelings he has on a given day. So this magazine death may have dropped his net worth by billions.