Michael Wolff's Daughter Narrowly Escapes Dov Charney's Lecherous Advances

We already know more about Michael Wolff than we'd frankly like to, so his disclosure today that pervy American Apparel founder/pornographer Dov Charney recently hit on his daughter in Union Square just creeps us out.
Dov Charney has used a photographic approach that might be characterized as underage retro porn as American Apparel's branding theme. Charney, who often takes the pictures himself, recently approached my daughter in Union Square Park in New York and gave her his business card in case she ever wanted to model for him.
Wolff's daughter Elizabeth is roughly 25 years old, according to this 2005 interview, so she's old enough to know better and hopefully didn't follow up with Charney. But if Wolff wants to keep her away from New York's seedier side, he might want to stop taking her to blogger parties.

UPDATE: A tipster tells us Charney approached Susanna Wolff, not Elizabeth. Susanna appears to be a student at Columbia and a College Humor intern. We should have known that at 25, Elizabeth Wolff is too old for Charney. Gawker regrets the error.