In your merry Monday media column: Hearst Magazines is not dying quite so quickly as others (news!), the New York Times wants more of your money, a thing happens at 'Morning Joe,' Sun-Times people invite Bill Rancic to suck it, and more:

While Conde Nast is fighting off financial decline and swine flu, rival publisher Hearst is doing marginally better! Hearst's mags are losing less advertising than competitors, and some of its new titles are showing great promise. The NYT attributes this to "against the grain" practices like keeping articles offline and raising newsstand prices, but it may just be the lack of swine flu giving them the advantage.

The New York Times raised its prices today, to $2 weekly and $5 on Sunday. Since we just saw the "worst quarter in modern history for American newspapers," it seems fair. [Pic: Newyorkist]

The wait is over, America: Starbucks has become the official joe of Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough. Will Joe Scarborough still be able to impartially report on the coffee industry in light of this new partnership? Who cares?

Bill Rancic, winner of The Apprentice, was assigned the task of replacing the Chicago Sun-Times building with condos. A tipster sends this photo: COME AND GET EM BILL. [Clarification: this pic is from 2004. So, the poignant moment has passed.]

Giant Magazine tells us that a rumor from last Friday that they're going to fold after their next issue is "false": "GIANT is currently working on its September/Fall Fashion issue, on newsstands early August," says a spokesperson.