Did you catch NBC's "Inside the Obama White House" special tonight? Brian Williams said they shot 150 hours of film footage, mostly of Rahm Emanuel slamming doors in people's faces! What else was notable about the interview? Well, Obama doesn't really seem to be a fan of SNL's Fred Armisen.

When asked by Williams for his thoughts on Armisen's impersonations of him, Obama was gentlemanly, almost making excuses for Armisen, remarking that his is a tough voice to imitate, then going on to note that "he seems to be starting to get it down a little bit," but you couldn't help but feel a palpable sense of disappointment over his lack of a standout comedic television doppelganger, ala Dana Carvey's George Bush, Phil Hartman and Darrell Hammond's Bill Clinton, and Will Ferrell's George W. Bush.

If you missed the special, NBC will likely be putting it online at the link below, where there's all sorts of additional interview footage available for your viewing pleasure.

Inside the Obama White House [MSNBC]