Today we have a reporter exploring lesbianism, an actor with a wondering eye, another actor having a relapse, two hyper protective parents, one wildly unprotective dad, and the crazy oil lady.

1) "Which once prominent magazine writer/TV interviewer now appears in elegant homes wearing men's clothes and a fedora? Sighed one jaded observer, 'These days, becoming a lesbian is a career move'." [P6]

2) "Which sexy leading man, known for his wandering eye, recently hooked up with a pouty songstress? The raven-haired rocker is a big change from his usual choice of supermodels." [P6]

3) "Which actor is on hiatus due to a drug relapse? He claimed he needed time off because of the heartbreak of his public split, but he's actually headed to rehab." [P6]

4) "Which heartthrob actor nearly cried bloody murder when he couldn't get into a private lounge?" [NYDN]

5) "This intense B list movie and sometime television actor takes parenting very seriously. He knows the reputation of bars and clubs in Hollywood to serve underage celebrities. So, to make sure his B list actress daughter doesn't drink he calls ahead to wherever she is going and makes sure they know they will be in for a world of hurt if they serve her booze." [CDaN]

6) "She might not always be the best role model as a mother, but this former B list movie actress with A list name recognition is extremely controlling when it comes to the location of her kids. Not only does she have GPS trackers on the cell phones of her kids, she also doesn't allow them to go out at night unless she or a parent is with them. She knows what kind of mistakes she made as a teenager and doesn't want her kids to make the same mistakes." [CDaN]

7) "At the opposite extreme from the above parents is this B list movie and television actor who has been around forever. While raising his C list actor son, he had only one rule. Don't get arrested. Other than that he didn't care if or when his child came home or what he did as long as he didn't get caught." [CDaN]

8) "Which aging actress has stayed away from the spotlight of late because she tried to inject her own lips with vegetable oil during a drunken night?" [BlindGossip]