NYTimes.com May Be Too Good for Farting, But Not for Belgian Porn

The New York Times is too prissy to mention to print the word fart on their classy website. But vintage Belgian porn? Mais oui, c'est l'art!
The Times redacted Jason Jones' use of the word fart in an online interview today about the Daily Show correspondent's evisceration of the newspaper, choosing to replace it with the clinical term your 4th grade teacher preferred: "[flatulence]."
Daniel Radosh, who has long chronicled the idiotic and prudish efforts of newspapers to avoid using bad words, points out quite reasonably that fart is not even remotely close to a term that any reasonable person over the age of 8 could conceivably find offensive, which is why the Times uses it all the time.
But he goes the extra mile by adding that, as we speak, the Times is hosting a trailer for Le Journal Erotique D'Un Bucheron—which translates as The Erotic Diary of a Lumberjack—a 1974 French film that looks really good. The trailer features oral sex, naked wrestling, breasts, and all-around inescapable full-frontal nudity that you wouldn't want to watch with your parents. No farts though, as far as we could tell.