Everybody knows that NYC Prep show isn't real. That's what the Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog proudly reminds us. See, real NYC preppers are nothing like the upcoming series. One of the schools even sent a letter saying as much.

See one of the Bravo show's cast members, the cockle-eyed Camille, goes to Nightingale-Bamford, a tony Upper Eastern academy in the vein of those on Gossip Girl. Well the school isn't exactly thrilled about this attention, so the administration sent out a bitchy-in-a-stiff-East-Coast-way letter to parents basically saying "this girl does not represent Nightingale."

The decision to participate in the show was made by the student and her parents without consulting Nightingale's administrators. We counsel our girls to avoid such exposure, knowing that the best intentions are usually subsumed by a media machine that too often simplifies the many facets of a Nightingale education into a shallow and stereotypical view of independent schools. (As with most series of this genre, the show is "reality" in name only.) ... This is not the first time someone has presented skewed version of our world, nor will it be the last, so we approach this situation as we've handled others previously: focused on providing our girls the world-class education that has long defined Nightingale.

Plus all the cattiness and drugs and sex and handbags! They have also defined Nightingale!

Civilians who are in the know are also refuting any reality show's claim to UES verity. Like, for example, the playa kid on Prep, Sebastian, goes to a newish prep school on fucking Long Island. Girl, that does not count.

And while Peter "PC" Peterson may be the grandson of a real life tycoon, he still went on public radio on Long Island to call the Real Housewives of New York "trashy pieces of shit." (We've tried to find this interview online, but alas cannot. Anyone?) So there's lots of society infighting and name-calling and huzzabub and ugh. How silly.

As one society insider describes their experiences with New York's wealthy youngs: "What was off-putting was that the fact that we were in a mansion wasn't discussed." Which is exactly it. The wealthy don't talk about money. The rich talk about money. We guess that means the NYC Prep kids are rich. Which, as we all know, means nothing.

Oh, and, if you're curious:

Sebastian goes to the very-recently-established Ross School; Camille attends Nightingale-Bamford; Jessie and PC attend the Dwight School; Kelli (whose parents live in the Hamptons and visit their teenagers in Manhattan one night a week) attends Birch-Wathen-Lenox, and Taylor goes to Stuyvesant, which is not a prep school but a magnet public school.

[via Miss Chris Rovzar at Daily Intel]