Canadian Explorer's Cheating Wife Speaks!

The tale of White & Case and the cheating wife has gotten more interesting. The woman referred to as SexyLexus by Above the Law has spoken to them, firmly avowing: "I am not a whore." Though she does do porn.
Of the sexy webcam site her husband, enraged that his lady stepped out on him while he was seeking a fortune in Canada, told absolutely everyone about via email, "SexyLexus" says this:
"It's a camera-site. That is all it is. I am not in contact with anybody, there is no contact between me and anybody on that camera-site.
In fact, SexyLexus claims that not only did Cuckolded in Canada know about her online presence, but that he encouraged her to do it in order to make money for the family:
"He told me to get back on the camera-site. I was out of the business, but Cuckolded in Canada told me to get back on to make money for the family ... I think it turned him on, me doing it. ... He loved it."
So, the husband knew his wife was doing porn but was then shocked that the same woman would cheat on him and imperil their four young children. Terrific.
Either way, the missus aims to get even:
Cuckolded in Canada has ruined Miami White's reputation and has exploited my image which yes it was wrong being a cam girl but I was never with anyone on cam besides Cuckolded in Canada. It was me the cam and Cuckolded in Canada, but I have never been with another man the 7 years we were married ... Cuckolded in Canada warned me that he will embarrass me and Miami White. We have been separated for a year and now I am filing for divorce I am looking for a bulldog attorney to take my case.
Hey lawyers! You could be that bulldog!