Today we have an attractive young fellow who is, to the sadness of many, a terrible kisser, an actor involved in the porn film HIV outbreak, and an athlete with some gambling-related money problems.

1) "Which hot young bachelor has (quite disappointingly) revealed himself to be a totally awful kisser?" [NYDN]

2) "You know the HIV scare that is going through the porn industry? Well, it turns out this married B+ television/rarely movies actor on a hit network comedy has a girlfriend who is one of the infected pornstars. And no, it isn't Charlie Sheen." [CDaN]

3) "Which superstar athlete is several months behind on the mortgage payments on his house? It isn't because he isn't making money or because he is forgetful. It's because he is scared. Every penny he scores right now is going toward paying off some outrageous gambling debts he racked up over the past couple of years. It seems that the consequence of someone hurting him or his family is more pressing than the thought of losing his house." [BlindGossip] [Barkley too obvious?]