Rupert Murdoch's Sun coaxed some paramedics and UCLA hospital employees into talking anonymously about Michael Jackson's death today, and according to those sources, Jackson collapsed shortly after an injection of the painkiller Demerol.

Reports the Sun:

A Jacko source said: "Shortly after taking the Demerol he started to experience slow shallow breathing.

"His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped.

"His staff started mouth-to-mouth and an ambulance was called which got there in eight minutes "But found he was in full respiratory arrest, no breathing and no pulse. They started full CPR and rushed him to hospital.

"When he arrived they started resuscitation, giving him heart shocks and inserted a breathing tube and other supportive measures to try and save his life.

"He never regained consciousness. The family was told that he had passed."

The Sun also has a photo of a paramedic's computer screen displaying the information relayed by the dispatcher from the 911 call that came from Jackson's home ("50 year old male Not breathing at all."), along with all sorts of other "Do I really need to know this" information. So very morbid.

Michael Jackson's Last Moments [Sun]