Billy Mays: Mr. As-Seen-On-TV, Dead At 50

Billy Mays, TV salesman, was found discovered dead this morning by his wife. There are no signs of foul play. Mays was 50 years-old.
Mays claimed to be the last salesman trained by the old-school pitchmen. Among other things, he shilled: OxiClean, Orange Glo, Kaboom, ESPN 360, Impact Gel Insoles, Omni DualSaw, something called a Samurai Shark, the Grater Plater, and a bunch of other products you can find on his Wikipedia page. Mays also enjoyed crushing the dreams of children and was possibly the single most ubiquitous figure on television today, measured purely in face time according to the Washington Post.
Interestingly enough, Mays was actually a passenger on a "hard landing" US Airways flight that blew a tire upon arrival in Tampa last night. Nothing regarding Mays death has been tied to the incident as of this writing. Update: the FAA is now saying that Mays wasn't wearing his seatbelt during the landing. Mays' son Twittered his father's death:

Billy Mays appeared with his co-host Anthony Sullivan from the Discovery Channel's Pitchmen on The Tonight Show with Conan on June 10, 2009:
And Mays appeared as a guest on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno earlier this year (April 7) with Dana Carvey:
He's the third celebrity of note to die in a week, following Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Actually, the fourth, counting Ed McMahon. Jeff Goldblum and Harrison Ford were rumored to be dead, but they weren't. Meanwhile, a nation of people who weren't sure about that "bad things come in threes" shit are far less worried about the wallet they lost and they keys they forgot than whatever's going to happen next.
Update: According to BNO, Mays got knocked upside the head by something on the flight, and made a joke about it to a local TV station.