Today we have a cocaine-addled former crotch juggler (boy band singer), a foreign actor who likes to say a really verboten word, and a couple that's not quite as happy as we thought.

1) "Which former boy bander looked oh-so-strung-out over the weekend? His diet of booze and nose candy certainly isn't helping his skin-and-bones appearance." [NYDN]

2) "This foreign born C+/B- list mostly movie actor with one very famous television role loves using the "N" word because he thinks it makes him look cool. This lasted about ten minutes on the set of of one of his very recent movies. Upon hearing it, his co-star and fellow C+/B- list mostly movie actor punched our foreign born actor and knocked him out cold. He didn't use the term again the entire movie." [CDaN]

3) "This young couple turned a work relationship into a romance. There is lots of paparazzi evidence of the two spending their off-screen time together. So there was naturally a considerable amount of buzz when the actor was seen shopping alone for a very beautiful and rather expensive piece of jewelry. A few weeks later, the jewelry was spied being worn… by another actress on the same production. Oops. It looks like the couple we all think is a couple isn't very exclusive." [BlindGossip]