Oh dear, whispers Page Six this morning. Kerry Washington—an up-and-coming actress who sure is taking a while to get up-and-over-here—is moving to New York to star in a play. And she can only pay $3,000 a month!

The indigent actress, who grew up in New York City and went to the Spence school, apparently sent an email out to friends stating some simply laughable! specifications for her new digs:

The search is on to find a place to live. I am looking for a one-year lease or sublet. My wish list is: Manhattan, furnished, about $3,000 and starting at some point in September.

Page Six calls this "a cheap apartment." And... oh come off it, losers. Yes, $3,000 a month isn't megastar movie money, sure, but Kerry Washington is not a megastar and $3,000 a month isn't peanuts either. Sure the whole furnished thing could be a bit of a stretch, but who knows where she's looking to live. It could be up in Washington Heights, as she founded that neighborhood thirty years ago. Or maybe she'll be down in the financial district, where she can stand on the corner and cry as she watches all the rich people file into work every morning. Except, oh right, there are no rich people left downtown so we're not sure what the hell we're talking about. $3,000 a month. People with money can afford that. Kerry Washington has money. End of story.
