In your emboldened Wednesday media column: More on the Spin layoffs, "Where were you when Vibe died?" stories begin, Froomkin's proud, Michael Wolff's unnecessarily loud, and newspapers are how(itzer)ed.

The stories of Vibe's dead are trickling in. Here's a good/bad one: a photographer named David Anthony found out in the middle of a photo shoot for Vibe that the magazine was folding. He finished up, so as not to disappoint the subject, and will probably give the photos to the kid he was photographing. He seems like a nice guy so maybe toss him some work! Also The Root has a decent eulogy for the magazine.

The cheeky headline of Michael Wolff's column today: "Do You Use a Vibrator?" Quiet, Michael Wolff.

Fired Washington Post columnist/ blogger Dan Froomkin: "Not offending people is not a business model, you've got to have something to say." Right you are, Dan Froomkin. That's why you are more interesting than the Washington Post's editorial board.

A tipster tells us that yesterday's layoffs at Spin comprised about 20% of the entire staff—more than ten people. The magazine's freelancers were all dropped, an editorial assistant and some sales staffers were fired, and the art department and the website were hit hard, we hear. If you're a former staffer who'd like to gripe, email us.

Sunny newspaper news of the day: McClatchy could default on its debt by the end of the year, meaning the company could face bankruptcy; MediaNews is facing an ugly credit picture; and a financial planning trade association wrote a PR column on planning for retirement and managed to place it in several different papers across the country, under different bylines. PR hit of the week!