In a story that reads like something printed in newspaper during the early 1960s, a Philadelphia swim camp turned away over 60 African-American children because their presence would "change the complexion" of the pool.

According to NBC affiliate in Philadelphia, the Creative Steps Day Camp paid over $1900 for their campers to have swimming privileges at the Valley Swim Club, a private club that advertises open membership, but when the Creative Steps people showed up at the pool with their campers, there were, uh, issues.

"I heard this lady, she was like, 'Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?' She's like, 'I'm scared they might do something to my child,'" said camper Dymire Baylor.

"When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool," Horace Gibson, parent of a day camp child, wrote in an email. "The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately."

The next day the club called the camp and explained that they were suspending Creative Steps' membership and refunding the $1900 or so they paid in membership fees. John Duesler, Valley Swim Club's president and a man obviously in dire need of either intense sensitivity training or a cleansed soul, released the following statement explaining their motivations:

"There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club."

The Creative Steps Day Camp is now looking for another pool for their campers to swim in.

Please refrain from making any "City of Brotherly Love" jokes in the comments. It's just too easy.

Pool Boots Kids Who Might "Change The Complexion" [NBC]