Today we have a skittish bride who's also on TV, a terribly manly movie star who likes to get blowjobs... from men, and an actress who loves her smokes.

1) "Which television star called off her wedding the night before the nuptials? She changed her mind after having a sexy fling with the best man." [NYDN]

2) "What barely hanging onto A list married movie actor who is always Mr. Macho was seen, umm, how can I put this, getting serviced by a male assistant director on his latest movie. The trailer for the actor was unlocked and a production assistant walked in and now everyone knows. I was shocked when I heard it because I had never heard a peep that he leaned that way. Ever." [CDaN]

3) "We were out hiking on a remote section of popular hiking trail last week when we turned a corner and ran into the female star of a well-known TV drama. Having had some business dealings in the past, we stopped to exchange a few words. While we were standing there chatting, the celeb lit up a cigarette. My friend asked her if she usually smoked while exercising. Without hesitation, she responded that if smoking was bad for her heart and walking was good for her heart, she figured that if she did the two simultaneously that they would cancel each other out and she would be healthy. It's tough to argue with that kind of logic." [BlindGossip]