The antics of Ali Wise, the Dolce & Gabbana party-planner and publicist who was arrested this week on felony charges of computer trespassing and eavesdropping, extend beyond the one case with which she's been charged, Page Six reports.

Wise is accused of illegally gaining access to the voicemail of interior designed Nina Freudenberger.

But a source familiar with the investigation says the district attorney's office is looking at five or more other possible victims of Wise's alleged hacking.

"Ali has been harassing my boyfriend and I since November," one of the alleged victims, who's gone to the police but requested anonymity, tells Page Six. "I was getting phantom phone calls and losing voice mails. She was also sending e-mails to my boyfriend's publicist and posting comments about us online. I went so far as to hire a private investigator to figure out what was going on."

Freudenberger told the Post that she's never even met Wise, and suggests she was targeted because the two share an ex-boyfriend in Downtown Records founder Josh Deutsch. Another source told the paper: "Ali has basically been targeting people who have been with [former boyfriend] Jason [Pomeranc] and her ex-boyfriends."

And yesterday Cityfile reported that Wise's alleged ex-boyfriend obsession extends beyond the digital realm and into defamation and, apparently, physical threats:

"Wise's antics go beyond what's stated," an anonymous tipster tells us by email. "For that reason there's a restraining order in place against her now, effectual for 5 years. And there were multiple victims of her hacking hobby. A defamation suit is under way in addition to the felony charge of computer fraud she already faces. There are piles of irrefutable evidence against her."