Arianna Huffington's Hypocrisy on 'Un-American' Outsourcing

Back in 2004, Arianna Huffington didn't have a well-funded, fast-growing internet publishing empire. So she could afford to call the hiring of foreign workers a "crime against America." You'll never guess what Huffington is doing today.
After calling outsourcing "unpatriotic, un-American" on her website, Huffington is... outsourcing. Here's an item from her Huffington Post's current job listings:

After raising $15 million in funding in the fall, one would think Huffington could afford to hire some American programmers, especially with unemployment nearing 10 percent. After all, paying the technical guys might help deflect the criticism that HuffPo exploits its largely unpaid writers. As for the hypocrisy, we assume Huffington, a notorious political flip-flopper, will simply say her views have evolved. Or maybe she'll blame a flunkie.