When Sacha Baron Cohen went on the Late Show to discuss his movie Bruno, he bragged about meeting a real terrorist. Now the guy in question says he hasn't been a terrorist for years.

Ayman Abu Aita told right-wing website WorldNetDaily that he quit Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in 2003 and now represents its affiliated political party, Fatah, in the West Bank town of Beit Sahor. And rather than meeting Cohen at a "secret location," as Cohen told Letterman, he met him at a popular restaurant called Everest in the part of the West Bank under Israeli control. It would have been impossible, Aita said, for him to have a weapon as Cohen told Letterman he feared.

Now the Brigades are upset to be featured in a "stupid... homosexual film."

Or so we are to believe! All of this information comes via WND's Aaron Klein, who has himself invented news: His researcher altered Barack Obama's Wikipedia page so Klein could write about the deletion of the researcher's comments. So we have here basically a crazy-quilt of questionable information. Where does the satire end and the news begin; where does the lying start; and what ever happened to a little good old fashioned exaggeration?