Saviors Save the Media!
In your salvation-drenched Thursday media column: Media career ascension! An available media job! People buying newspapers! People saving newspapers! People saving Paste magazine! Huzzah!

A tipster tells us that NBC is poaching Thrillist's New York editor Steve Bryant, for a new site in Chicago similar to the San Francisco site they poached our own Owen Thomas for. NBC, always poaching! Man. [Thrillist PR machine Flavie tells us: "Yes. Officially August 1st: Hayden Lynch our former Nation editor will replace Steve Bryant as Thrillist NY editor. Joe McGauley, Thrillist former Web Editor will replace Hayden Lynch in the role of Nation Editor…Which leaves us with a web editor position to fill." Job!]

Whoa, don't everybody buy a newspaper at once! Cox has sold the Waco Tribune-Herald to a media company, and employees at the Gary Post-Tribune in Indiana want to buy their own paper from the Sun-Times. Strike while the MJ news is hot, Gary.

As if it wasn't hard enough just being a newspaper—try being the only black newspaper in Boston, for chrissake. A group of investors led by Harvard's Charles Ogletree say they've put together enough money to save the the Bay State Banner, which was going to be forced to close after 44 years. The downside: the paper's employees and readers will be forced to continue to live in Boston, Mass.

Paste Magazine! It is not dead, yet. Its Quixotic campaign to solicit donations from you, the public, to save itself, has actually paid off, to the tune of more than a quarter million dollars. Wowza. Impressive. Paste will continue to print, as we launch our own "Save Us" campaign here, via Paypal, please, give what you can, immediately.