So Conde Nast has hired McKinsey, the smartest people in the world, to "develop new perspectives" for them. What does it usually mean when McKinsey's asked to do that? Layoffs!

Some McKinsey engagements of the recent past:

  • Enron: That, as documented in Condé Nast's crown jewel The New Yorker, went well.
  • Wal-Mart: McKinsey argued that laying off senior employees was good business. Circuit City was then inspired to lay off 3400 workers!
  • White & Case: Mega law firm. 70 layoffs.
  • Cablevision: 80 layoffs at MSG.
  • First Boston: Hired McKinsey to advise on rebranding and layoffs.
  • NYC Schools: Instituted a hiring freeze

And here, for example, is a typical instance of McKinsey recommending firing subpar performers. Just to give you a sense what's coming, Conde.