They walk the red carpet, they are stalked by the paparazzi, but no one knows their names or cares who they are. Yes, here are the lesser-known celebrity siblings—unlucky to not be famous, lucky to share fame's lifestyle.

It's like they get all of the hassles of dodging cameras and answering invasive questions, but they get none of the money, free stuff, or recognition. Just imagine being close enough to the celeb life without being able to touch it and being referred to "Brad Pitt's brother" for the rest of your life. Here are some of the poor saps who carry the burden.

As the London Times put it recently:

The Beautiful Person's Notably Less Beautiful Sibling is a cruel phenomenon. Brad Pitt's brother is like Brad Pitt with the magic taken away. Kiefer Sutherland has a twin sister who looks like him in a wig, and Patricia Bündchen is a pleasant-looking, plain-faced Brazilian, who just happens (so cruel) to have a non-identical twin called Gisele.

So let's take a tour through the siblings who came so close, but lost out in the birth lottery of life.

Doug Pitt, brother of Brad, who looks just like his sibling if he were a middle manager at a paper company.

James Haven has the lips, but not the savvy plastic surgeon of his sister Angelina Jolie.

Don Swayze, who looks just like his brother Patrick if he were hit with the ugly stick.

That is not a drag queen version of Posh Spice, it's Victoria Beckham's sister, Louise Adams.

Leslie (center) and Lupe Lopez (right) got their butts in the front row at the fashion show, but missed out on having the famous booty of sister Jennifer.

Oliver Hudson, brother of Kate and son of Goldie Hawn, doesn't look to shabby when he bothers to shave.

Joshua Alba is almost as hot as his sister Jessica, if it weren't for the stoner eyes.

Alexis, the tranny Arquette.