Today we have two items. One is about four celebrity swingers who may not be on the sly anymore. The other about an actress with severe weight problems. Quelle surprise.

1)"There is a husband who is a C list movie actor. Honestly, he may even be a D, but he has B list name recognition and is married to a permanent B list television actress with A list name recognition. Well, it turns out they like to get their freak on with this other couple. Yes, exactly like it sounds. They swap. The other couple consists of a guy who is definitely D list and does primarily movies now. As for his name recognition? Not that great. His girlfriend on the other hand is a B list movie and television actress not exactly known for being super friendly even to her boyfriend. She had a very short term boyfriend prior to the D lister but he wasn't up for the game so she dumped him and went with the D lister she could control. This foursome has been kept quiet for about a year, but the D lister has started telling a few people who have told more and it isn't so hush hush anymore.

#1 - Married C list movie actor
#2 - Married B list actress
#3 - D list guy
#4 - B list move and television actress." [CDaN]

2) "Some actresses battle with their weight. Not this one. For her, it's an all-out war. Our actress is a svelte size 4, but she has a little black notebook into which she records every bite of food she eats. She calculates the portion size, calories, carbs, protein and fat. She also records every minute of exercise and how many calories she burned. If her net for the day is over 1200 calories, she cuts back the next day by that exact amount. If her net for the day is under, she allows herself one Oreo cookie as a reward. One. If you're wondering why she is so tightly wound about food, it's likely because her ex - also an actor - used to constantly tell her she was fat compared to other actresses, and then later rather cruelly dumped her." [BlindGossip]