Downtrodden Japanese Women Turning to Almost-Whoring in Droves

So you think the American economy's bad? Well get a load of this: Things are so awful in Japan that many of that country's women are seeking employment as gentleman's club "hostesses," which is basically a prerequisite to prostitution.
For years Japanese hostesses, girls who provide conversation and companionship to lonely men in red-light district cabaret clubs, have been the victims of societal scorn. Now, however, with jobs, especially jobs for young women, extremely scarce, Japan's hostesses are being celebrated, to the point that young girls are openly expressing their desires to become hostesses when they grow up. Some hostesses have even reached celebrity status in Japan.
Young women are drawn nonetheless to Cinderella stories like that of Eri Momoka, a single mother who became a hostess and worked her way out of penury to start a TV career and her own line of clothing and accessories.
"I often get fan mail from young girls in elementary school who say they want to be like me," said Ms. Momoka, 27, interviewed in her trademark seven-inch heels. "To a little girl, a hostess is like a modern-day princess."
Popular culture is also fueling hostessing's popularity. TV sitcoms are starting to depict cabaret hostesses as women building successful careers. Hostesses are also writing best-selling books, be they on money management or the art of conversation.
A magazine that features hostess fashion has become wildly popular with women outside the trade, who mimic the heavily made-up eyes and big, coiffed hair.
The Times story says that hostesses can easily bring in as much as $100-$300k per year in income, with the lowest paid of the profession still making at least $20 per hour, which is double the amount that a starting assistant at William Morris Endeavor gets paid. Just saying.
Young Japanese Women Vie for Once-Scorned Job [New York Times]