How Dare You Not Be Charmed By Judd Apatow's Publicity Tour?!

In the waning days of his publicity blitz, Judd Apatow is blogging over at MTV in some kind of meta 'comedians-are- sensitive-beings-who-have-Google-alerts-and-read-them' promotion for Funny People. It's quite enjoyable!
We must admire the inexhaustible hustle of Apatow's publicist: Judd has been everywhere. And Apatow has aced the exposure due in large part to his own obsessions and personality quirks: that typical brand of Choosen People wang/ anxiety humor, the refractory wisdom about the emotional depth of his characters, constant self-deprecation, steady fear of failure, a sincere need to please, a graceful acknowledgment of misfires, and flirty sweet things about his comdienne wife Leslie Mann.
Today Apatow did one of his final PR stints as a guestblogger over at MTV. He has been filing weekly musings all of the same Apatowian themes have emerged . Here are some highlights from his month long blogging journey.
Oh Judd! We forgive you for Walk Hard:
There is nothing worse than making a bad movie and knowing it is going to be broadcast on cable TV for the rest of time. I am actually a fan of mediocre comedies. They are like warm soup. They can be pleasant and help time go by more easily when you just want to shut off your brain. When I make a bad movie I often try to make myself feel better by saying, "well, that is a good movie to watch if you are home with the flu." Believe me, when you have the flu it is still hard to find enough movies to fill a day, even if you have seven hundred channels.
"Funny People" is very personal to me. It is really funny, but is also about a lot of life and death issues. People seem to project their view of life onto it. Dark people find it really dark. Happy hopeful people think it is sweet and positive. I have never had an experience like this before. Usually people just laugh and that is it. They ponder it for too long. I read one hilarious super-nasty article about me that said I was a misanthrope (you can look it up too) and then another that said I was conservative and syrupy sweet.
So I guess this will be a movie that will start many long conversations. That was the point when I wrote it but watching those conversations about to begin is scary."
How many times should I see "Funny People"?
Three. Once for the laughs. The second time to notice the details you missed when you laughed. And the third time just to make sure we beat "Transformers" at the box office. We must not let robots rule the world.
Judd wrote his final entry today in some sort of jazzy, improvisational, warrior poet way:
"Funny People" opens this Friday.
Looks good.
Reviews are solid.
Some raves. New Yorker. Rolling Stone.
A few didn't quite get it.
Their hearts are cold and dark.
I pray for them.
Leslie is funnier than me on talk shows.
Why? Why?
Doing The View tomorrow with Seth.
Not sure if you can discuss penises.
Isn't that the subtext of the entire show?
Doing Howard Stern.
Not sure I have enough penis material.
...Might slip and tell dirty stories about Leslie.
Don't take sleeping pill.
Think about other things.
Movie is not that important.
New season of Mad Man is starting soon.