Charles Perez is a purportedly Hottt Miami news anchor—or should we say 'was???' First, his personal email about his 'gender identity issues' got leaked to everybody at work, and now he's been fired! For unrelated reasons, allegedly.

Perez had already filed a discrimination complaint against the ABC station for demoting him to weekend anchor after the email leak, and now he's adding "they also fired my ass, too" to his complaint. According to the Miami Herald:

Perez, 46, says in the complaint that station bosses demoted him to weekend anchor/reporter "because of their discomfort over the increasingly high profile of my sexual orientation."

On April 3, Perez went to court seeking a restraining order against his former partner, Dennis Ricardo Peña, whom he accused of leaking a private e-mail concerning Perez's ‘'gender identity issues.''

Shady! But the station says it had "no choice" but to fire Perez, and the station's news director is also a gay man. Although he's not an on-air sex symbol!

[Also: Guanabee reports that Perez was the boyfriend of one of the characters on the very first Real World season. Or was he? So much intrigue.]