Jakob Lodwick's Attempt to Reverse Crack-Up As Obnoxious Crack-Up Itself

No more disturbing stoner moments for Jakob Lodwick! The hipster internet nabob has quit weed and cut back on booze, even caffeine. Unfortunately, detox just means more nakedness.
Four months ago, Lodwick writes, he quit pot after realizing "it made me absolutely fucking retarded every time" (emphasis his). But that apparently doesn't mean the Vimeo founder is going to stop taking disturbing, semi-nude photos of himself, or making wacked-out, often half-naked videos. See the pic above, uploaded to Lodwick's Tumblr earlier today, or this new video of him channeling Eminem.
What Lodwick is going to do is make, and post to the internet, lists like these, illuminating just how much time he devotes to various forms of fameballing (a lot), and what he does with the rest of his time ("child's pose," "intellectual devotional," "Egosurfing"):

Lodwick has made quite a bundle from IAC, the company to which he sold Vimeo; the media conglomerate may even still be paying him $100,000 per year salary not to come to work. Perhaps we should all be grateful he's plowed that money into fizzled ventures like music-sharing site Muxtape (basically shut down by the RIAA) and record company Normative (three CDs for sale!), and that he's now obsessively making lists. As Lodwick himself has demonstrated, his sort of money can fuel a much more disturbing sort of late-20s identity crisis than this one.