A tipster tells us that Gannett's Westchester newsroom was told today that "50 out of 140 people would be laid off and everyone else would have to reapply for a job." This is unconfirmed. Know more? Email us. [UPDATED]:

UPDATE: Another tipster tells us: "My coworkers husband works there and was told he will have to 'interview' for his job next week." She also says staffers are losing accrued vacation time (see response below). We've emailed Gannett and we'll update this post if we hear from them.

UPDATE 2: Michael Fisch, publisher and president of Gannett's Westchester paper, the Journal News, has confirmed the layoffs to us. He writes:

Today we informed 192 news employees and 96 advertising employees in Westchester that we are restructuring these two departments and each employee affected would have to apply for a newly defined position in these two departments. There will be 20 fewer positions in advertising and 50 fewer positions in news after the restructure.

The newly defined positions in these two areas are focused on the skill sets and competencies necessary to be successful in the multiplatform digital environment.

He adds:

Your site says employees will loose their accrued vacation time. This is not true. If an employee is hired in one of the new positions they will retain all the earned benefits they would have had in their prior position. Compensation may or may not change depending on the position they apply for and ultimately are offered.

UPDATE 3: Related, a shitload of job listings have appeared for positions at the Journal News!