Zac Effron Can't Wait to Buy Porn for Lizzie Grubman

Rumor, and we definitely think it's rumor, is that Zac Efron wants to play the lead in a movie version of Spin, Robert Rave's roman à clef about walking Canal Street handbag knockoff Lizzie Grubman. Wanna see what he'll do?
Let's dip back into the galley that just keeps on giving: here the Lizzie character, Jennie, asks the Zac character to go buy teenage Asian porn at a Times Square sleaze mart in the middle of the night. Young 20-somethings buying porn after midnight?! It's shocking. They'll turn into Gremlins! And seeing this movie will turn teenage girls into coke-riddled sex fiends. OMG, they'll want to go into PR!
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