Dawn of the Chimpanzee! (Relax Folks, They're Just a Metaphor)
Remember the Unspiked Files? We had almost forgotten, too! It's where we reprint worthy pieces killed by editors. Today, we have a first: a comic! Specifically, Eli Valley's Too-Hot-for-The-Forward comic comparing chimps and Israelis, metaphorically speaking.
As a regular cartoonist for The Forward, Eli has drawn Abe Foxman as a paranoid buffoon, rabbis and Jewish communal leaders as moral prostitutes, and Evangelical Zionists as bloodthirsty psychopaths. But apparently the metaphor of chimpanzees, applied to the noble peoples of the Middle East, was going a step too far. The comic, a satire of Zionist education in many American Jewish day schools, camps and Israel trips, was deemed unsuitable for publication by The Forward, the most prominent independent Jewish newspaper in America, condemning it to run on Gawker, a web site of some prominence that was reported earlier this year to the ADL for anti-Semitism. (That's true.) If you have anything you'd like to see run in this space, please let me know.
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