The McSteamy Naked Threesome Gets the Celebrity Weekly Treatment
All the tabloids threw something together on deadline after our tape of Eric Dane, Rebecca Gayheart, and Kari Ann Peniche went up. So many questions: Will their marriage survive? Who is the other woman? And just who wore it better?
We put the original tape up Monday afternoon. The tabs all go to press on Monday night so they can be out on the stands for Wednesday, so there were plenty of harried reporters working their Blackberries trying to get these stories together.
Of course, we've been waiting all day to run out and see just how they were going to handle this mess. The answer: some well, some horribly. Except with the people at People, they seemed to have dropped the ball altogether (or just don't give a fuck).
So this is how we handled the story. Take a look at how everyone else did, we judged them based on the size of the story, it's placement, if they got the details right, what additional reportage they did, and, of course, whether or not we got the credit for bringing the world one more piece of naked celebrity detritus.

Magazine: Us Weekly
Headline: McSteamy's Sex Tape Scandal
Page: 56
Size: Full spread
Details: Us leads the mood on the set of Grey's Anatomy (understandably tense) on the day the video went online. Gives a recap of the movie followed by a look into how it went public. Talks to Peniche's mother, who denies her daughter leaked the tape for some quick fame. Includes a "Who is Kari Anne Peniche?" sidebar.
Our Due?: We're mentioned by name and there are screencaps with our watermark.
Grade: A

Magazine: In Touch Weekly
Headline: Can Their Marriage Survive?
Page: 48
Size: Full spread
Details: Talks to a "friend" of Rebecca who says, "she wishes it had not happened." Duh. An "insider" says this was not their first threeway (PS—If threeways are involved, it doesn't seem like their marriage is in too much trouble). The rest of the article focuses on how Gayheart's hit-and-run accident affect her and how a prior picture leak made her "emotionally fragile." Includes a "Who is the Other Woman?" sidebar.
Our Due?: Screen caps with our logo, but no mention by name.
Grade: B+

Magazine: Star
Headline: Rub-a-Dub-Dub...Three in a Tub
Page: 39
Size: Full Page
Details: Basically just a recap of the video. However, an "insider" says that Dane was told by Grey's to clean up his partying ways "and this tape proves he hasn't done that."
Our Due?: Mentions both Gawker and Defamer by name with screen caps baring both logos. Double word score!
Grade: C

Magazine: Life & Style
Headline: Grey's Star's Shocking Sex Tape
Page: 39
Size: Third of a page
Details: A recap of the video along with a description of Peniche, and the statement from Dane and Gayheart's lawyer. There is a nice picture of Dane and a topless Gayheart
Our Due?: No mention.
Grade: F