When a video of Barney Frank rhetorically picking apart a woman who accused him of being a Nazi gets traction, what do the bunch at Fox & Friends do? They recut the tape so he's attacking the poor lass.

Media Matters has compared the entire exchange to Fox News' take:

Steve Doocy says, "He was downright rude—somebody asked him a question, and he said on what planet do you spend most of your time? And then to somebody else, he said trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table."

Well, yes. Except the "somebody who asked him a question" actually asked about his "Nazi policies," and he made the dining room table remark to the same LaRouchite idiot. The best part is when they play only Frank's response, making it look like he's straight-up yelling at voters, and then cut to a shot of an entirely different woman in a pretty hat to make it look like he was addressing her, and not the one who was carrying a picture of Obama made up to look like Hitler.