Her Majesty of Outlandishness Björk and her avante garde filmmaker husband Matthew Barney have shelled out several million for a house in Brooklyn Heights. From the look of the pictures, they've got a lot of remodeling to do.

Their space-man tchotchkes and experimental art films may not fit in with the neighborhood or the rather conventionally decorated penthouse at 160 Henry Street. It has 3000 square feet with four bedrooms, four baths, and nine rooms total. It's a doorman building, so you won't be able to camp out and wait for her to leave to tell her about how Medúlla changed your life. The listing was for $4.2 million, but we're not sure exactly how much they paid.

Daily Intel says they're asking $1.7 million for their apartment on West Houston St. It won't cover the cost of the new pad, but it will be a good chuck of change to cover up those red walls with doodles of wood nymphs.