PR Lady Is Jewel Thief!

It's getting so you can't even trust PR people any more: Cops say that Mallory Montilla, a 24 year-old flack at Whisper PR in NYC, stole almost $100,000 worth of jewelry. From clients! The swag corrupted her mind!
Montilla, a University of Central Florida grad, worked in PR for Bergdorf Goodman before getting a job at fashion-and-jewelry specialist Whisper two years ago. Being around all those fancy trinkets drove her stone cold crazy. (Not quite Lindsay Lohan crazy, but close). Her job was to make sure that jewelry on loan from designers made it to magazines for photo shoots, and back. The Post reports that she took advantage of this position to launch this crafty criminal scheme:
But law-enforcement sources say that instead of shipping the jewelry via a bonded courier to the magazines, she simply kept it.

Clever. But not foolproof. Eventually her bosses were like, "Hey, where is that $97,000 worth of jewelry that should be in our company safe but is not in our company safe?" Then, using detective tactics, they traced it to the girl who was supposed to be putting the jewelry in the safe but was not: Mallory Montilla.
It's just more proof that journalists and flacks should have to pass some kind of test before being allowed to be around swag. Leave them alone in a room for an hour with a cookie. If they eat it—no swag license.
[Pics: Stylecaster, Facebook]