Vanity Fair's annual "New Establishment" list is out—the highly subjective guide to the 100 most important people in Graydon Carter's world. We bring you the highlights, below.

Media recession signal: This list—once a big generator of freelance work, and given splashy placement in VF—is now a web exclusive. UPDATE: VF tells us that a truncated version of the list is running in the October issue. Print lives!

By Profession
Corporate CEOs/ Company leaders: 18
Media mogul/ CEO: 18
Hollywood moguls/ power players:16
Media talent:11
Wall Street bankers/ Private equity: 7
Superstar Investors: 6
Hollywood stars: 5
Politicians/ Political officials/ advisers: 5
Ex-politicians: 2
Young Internet CEOs: 2
TV producers: 2
Authors: 2
International money managers: 1
Financial analysts: 1
Other celebrities: 1
Architects: 1
Scientists: 1
Athletes: 1

Biggest gainer: John Malone, from 86 to 21

Biggest loser: Stephen Colbert, from 45 to 79

Who got "down" arrows?: Rush Limbaugh, Bill Keller, Jeff Zucker, Evan Williams and Biz Stone (pictured), Steve Ballmer

New to the list: Lauren Zalaznick, Lebron James, Craig Venter, Anil Ambani, Jason Kilar, Simon Fuller, Bobby Kotick, Paul Krugman, Todd Phillips, Harvey and Bob Weinstein, David Einhorn, Meredith Whitney, Harvey Levin, the Politico guys, Stephenie Meyer, Glenn Beck, Wang Chuanfu, Matt Blank, Alber Elbaz, Richard Plepler, Maria Bartiromo and Erin Burnett, Lorne Michaels, Dan Doctoroff, Michael Bay, Ryan Kavanaugh, Tyler Perry, Meryl Streep, Gao Xiqing, Mike Duke, Desiree Rogers, JJ Abrams, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, Nicolas Sarkozy, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett, and Pete Rouse, Larry Fink (pictured, the highest ranking new entry, at #6)