The State Department announced today that eight of the security contractors in Kabul who were featured drinking "buttshots" of vodka off one another in photos we published Tuesday have been fired, and two more quit.

The U.S. embassy in Kabul also announced that the senior management team for ArmorGroup North America, the contractor responsible for ensuring the security of the embassy, will be replaced immediately. Earlier this week, the Project on Government Oversight wrote a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton detailing its investigation into weird Lord of the Flies-style hazing among guards at the embassy, including "eating potato chips out of ass cracks."

According to the Associated Press, all of the departing contractors appeared in the photos, which POGO provided to us (and anyone else who asked for them—but because we published them first, some people credited us with launching a State Department investigation, which is pretty funny).

POGO has released a statement worrying that some of the contractors may have been wrongly fired and that the State Department is simply canning everyone in the photos: "We have been told people are being fired for simply being in the photographs. We do know a number of those were unwilling participants."