We love tearing celebrities down, but it's so much harder when they're doing charity work and helping a family member dealing with a terminal illness. Damn this heart! No sympathy however for a fashion mag whose Twitter password is retarded.

1. "This very nice movie Actress just found out last weekend that someone in her family has a terminal illness. The whole family is devastated but they all decided they would each do their part to help find a cure for this disease. For her part, our Actress not only is set to donate a lot of her own money to research, she's going to be doing a lot of volunteering as well. Out of respect for the family, we'll keep this one quiet, but we wish her and her family well. Not Angie." [BuzzFoto]

2. "Which prestigious fashion magazine had its Twitter feed temporarily hacked into by a pornographic web site, because its password was 'password?'" [StyleList]