New York Times Readers' Subway Reading: Exactly What You Would Guess

The New York Times asked New York Times readers—a wildly unrepresentative group of subway riders, btw—what they're reading on the subway. It's the same stuff you read, duh.
Most Popular Magazines
1. The New Yorker
2. New York
3. The Economist
Most Popular Books
1. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
1 (tie). The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
3. The Time Traveler's Wife
[The whole list is basically the Bestsellers table at The Strand.]
Most Popular Newspapers
1. New York Times
2. AMNY (free)
3. Metro NY (free)
So yea, the NYT was, by a landslide, the most popular subway reading material of New York Times readers. Shocker. The actual most popular subway reading material of all New Yorkers is probably the New York Post, followed by whatever flier the guy gave you while you were going down the subway steps.