Today, the Wall Street Journal included eighth-grade fashion blogger Tavi Gevinson in itsprofile of blogger fashion muses. What it doesn't tell you is that Gevinson was previously outed by the media and that her blog has, like, a name.

Yes, the most curious thing about this piece about fashion bloggers is that not one of their blogs is named or linked to. Isn't that kind of like running a fashion spread but not telling us any of the designers who make the clothes? Anyway, Gevinson's is called Style Rookie, and the Associate Press revealed her identity in a story about the dangers of children who blog last year.

But that doesn't seem to have anything but a positive effect on her. Noted fashion line Rodarte is using her as a muse and has invited her (and her father) to their fashion show on Tuesday in New York. Sure, she may be a little precocious and affected, but the kid does has some major style. In our fantasies, she grows up, goes to a good school, slaves away as an assistant for a few years, and then is dubbed the chosen one to unseat Anna Wintour. Imagine, a blogger at the helm of Vogue! Oh, never mind. By the time all that happens, there won't be any print media left anyway.