Live Blogging the Inaugural Episode of The Jay Leno Show

Everyone is paying attention to NBC's bold prime time experiment, which kicks off tonight. Many are waiting for Leno to fail so let's throw some digital spitballs at him.
Tune your sets to NBC at 10pm Eastern tonight, and watch the first episode of The Jay Leno Show. It will air every weeknight in the same time slot, but by tomorrow afternoon, we probably won't care anymore. Tonight's big guest is Jerry Seinfeld. Musical guests include Jay Z, Rhianna, and possibly-stage mic grabber Kanye West, who is said to have been upgraded to a full-blow guest now that he has some 'splainin' to do.
So, as you watch, react in real time to the action on your sets in the comments section below. We'll be there with you, so let's make it into a little party, shall we?